Tag: radiation

March 5, 2018/Orthopaedics/Tumor

Radiation-Induced Focal Cortical Necrosis of the Femur after Sarcoma Treatment Presents As Lytic Lesions (Slideshow)

Two unusual sarcoma cases where necrosis develops in cortical versus medullary bone

Researchers Identify Genetic Basis for Cancer Cells’ Susceptibility to DNA Damage
August 31, 2016/Cancer

Researchers Identify Genetic Basis for Cancer Cells’ Susceptibility to DNA Damage

Findings may help predict radiotherapy outcomes

Radiation Associated CAD

Radiation-Associated CAD Raises Mortality Risk Following PCI

Cohort study shows elevated risk vs. typical atherosclerotic CAD


Radiation a Danger to Patients and Physicians Alike

Exposure can be lowered without affecting test results


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