Tag: joseph iannotti


Accuracy of 3-D Planning, Implant Templating and Patient Specific Instrumentation in Anatomic Total Shoulder Arthroplasty

No significant differences related to instrumentation choice in 3-D CT preoperative planning

April 11, 2019/Leadership

Bringing Specialty Care to New Communities with Improved Integration and Expanded Use of Telemedicine

Joseph Iannotti, MD, PhD, on scaling telemedicine and engaging caregivers in the growing Cleveland Clinic Florida region

October 28, 2016/Orthopaedics/Arthritis

Walch Classification: Adding Two New Glenoid Types

Current definitions insufficient for interpreting clinical outcomes

November 24, 2014/Orthopaedics/Upper Extremity

Reverse Total Shoulder Replacement: A Useful Alternative for Older Patients

Ideal for severe arthritis, large rotator cuff tear


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