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November 9, 2023/Cleveland Clinic Alumni

Dr. Amy Park Enjoys Service, Teaching Others


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Amy Park, MD (UG/PS ’09), grew up watching her parents, both physicians, dedicate themselves to their jobs. “Despite their long hours, they absolutely loved their careers, which was inspiring to me,” she says. “I always loved the sciences and how the body works, as well as helping people. Medicine is ever-changing and advancing, which is fun and challenging. It appeals to my curiosity and quest for lifelong learning.”

Dr. Park, Section Head of Urogynecology and Pelvic Reconstructive Surgery at Cleveland Clinic, says her favorite memory of her medical training is “hanging out in our fellows’ office in EB110 with all these other subspecialty fellows from urology and bariatrics. The cross-pollination across specialties, and their different perspectives, were invaluable.”

Today, she says, she appreciates her role in guiding those who are new to the profession, as she once was. “I am proud of training many medical students, residents, and fellows who have gone on to illustrious careers of their own.”

Another way in which she makes a difference is by serving as a Specialty Director on Cleveland Clinic’s Alumni Board. “My motivation to serve is the fact that I have always derived so much joy and camaraderie from interacting with former and current trainees and staff,” she says. “First of all, training goes so quickly, and then they are our colleagues. It is so gratifying to see people as they go on to successful careers. I also think it’s important to maintain a strong culture and connections to network, as you never know who can help with a future fellowship position, job, or position at a national society. I enjoy helping to coordinate and host events at our national meetings.”

When not working, Dr. Park enjoys relaxing with her family, “an incredible source of happiness,” as well as Olympic weightlifting, which has engaged her for several years. “It has maintained my sanity,” she says, adding, “I also enjoy biking and travel, especially to visit friends.”

To future alumni, she offers some sage advice: “Enjoy the journey. Soak up as much as you can, put yourself in learning situations, and remember that these folks will be your colleagues and friends forever,” she says. “You can always learn from everybody, including how to be, and how not to be. Like rearing children, the days are long, but the years are short – those years seem long while you are training, but they whiz by, and then you are on your own. Try to glean as much as you can while you are training!”

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