Advancing Patient Care

SNAP hand hygiene

Patients with Challenging Behaviors: Entitled Demands

Communication strategies to optimize patient care


Patients with Challenging Behaviors: Self-Injury and Denial

Communication strategies to optimize patient care

Senior man using tablet computer at home

Patients with Challenging Behaviors: Internet Expertise

Communication strategies to optimize patient care


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Home infusion pharmacy saline drip

Overcoming the Challenges of Home-Infusion Pharmacy Care

Cultural differences, literacy rates hurt adherence

September 15, 2017/Heart, Vascular and Thoracic

Cardiac Rehab Key to Preventing Patient Readmissions

Yet most eligible patients do not participate

650×450-pneumonia vaccine

Navigating Pneumococcal Vaccination in Adults

A review for primary care providers, geriatricians

How EMR integration of ‘6 Clicks’ tool can help transform rehab care

The Evolution of Office Notes and the EMR: The CAPS Note

CAPS: concern, assessment, plan, supporting data

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