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Search Results for: covid 19

Missing tooth
December 17, 2020/COVID-19

Can COVID-19 Cause Teeth to Fall Out?

… fall out if it has no bone support. I don’t think that it was something that COVID-19 caused, per se, as even in non-COVID-19 times, I’ve seen that happen without …

December 3, 2020/COVID-19

A COVID-19 Vaccine for Children May Take a While

It feels like the whole world is waiting on a vaccine against SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. And although there are several promising possibilities in clinical trials and several manufacturers are …

November 2, 2020/COVID-19

Managing COVID-19 Patients With Liver Disease

… are not a contraindication to COVID-19 therapies, liver enzymes should be carefully monitored in all hospitalized COVID-19 patients.In patients with severe COVID-19, liver injury appears to be common and is associated …

September 15, 2020/Cancer

How COVID-19 Changed Breast Cancer Care

… the pandemic was ensuring that we continued to provide timely access to care,” he says. “Now that COVID-19 has been with us for a while, we are figuring out the best ways to manage …


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July 17, 2020/COVID-19

In COVID-19 Research, Pregnant Women Are Often Excluded

… women and their babies.”The limited research that has been done on this population has indicated that COVID-19 may pose a significant risk. One early study from the CDC looked at 43 COVID-19

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July 1, 2020/Behavioral Health

Taming COVID-19-Inflamed Physician Burnout (Podcast)

… burnout. That’s because neurologists report some of the highest rates of physician burnout and because the COVID-19 pandemic has tended to exacerbate burnout.So observes clinical health psychologist Amy Sullivan, PsyD, ABPP, Director …

May 11, 2020/COVID-19

How COVID-19 Is Transmitted and Who Is Most at Risk

As the virus (SARS-CoV-2) that causes COVID-19 continues to become better understood, several transmission routes and risk factors have been identified. These insights have been summarized by Ryan Miller, DO, and Kristin …

April 10, 2020/COVID-19

A COVID-19 Crash Course in Inpatient Telemedicine — and Implications for Future Care

While reports abound about how the COVID-19 pandemic is fueling a surge in virtual outpatient visits, it’s likewise accelerating the adoption and evolution of telemedicine use in inpatient settings.“This public health crisis …

April 10, 2020/COVID-19

From COVID-19 to Online Learning: A Year as ASGE President

… based advice on how to build a highly functional endoscopic operations group within an institution.How did COVID-19 impact your presidency?Dr. Vargo: We had to cancel Digestive Disease Week, which has massive repercussions …

February 10, 2023/COVID-19

Effects of COVID-19 on Blood Sugar and Type 2 Diabetes

… Department of Quantitative Health Sciences.The investigation provides important perspective for clarifying the long-term effects of COVID-19. T2DM is already regarded as a risk factor for severe illness from COVID-19. More than …

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