Tag: acg 2019

19-DDI-3977 Adenoma 650×450
October 28, 2019/Cancer

Rethinking Colonoscopy Intervals in Patients With Multiple Non-Advanced Adenomas

Cleveland Clinic study finds increased detection may not mean higher risk of metachronous advanced neoplasia

Liver 650 x 450
October 28, 2019/Digestive/Research

Noninvasive Stepwise Approach is Effective in Diagnosing Advanced Liver Fibrosis in NAFLD

Method can eliminate need for liver biopsies in significant number of patients

October 28, 2019/Cancer

Statins Reduce Risk of Hepatocellular Carcinoma

Study finds a 43% lower risk of HCC in statin users

Members of the IBD patient-centered medical home team

Inflammatory Bowel Disease Care: “It Takes a Village”

At ACG, Cleveland Clinic gastroenterologist explains benefits of patient-centered IBD medical home and neighborhood


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