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Tag: joint replacement

Elderly woman with a disability and a walker
October 13, 2023/Geriatrics

‘No Place Like Home’ for Older Adults to Recover From Hip Replacement

Longer hospitalization does not mean a safer, faster recovery for patients age 70+

February 22, 2017/Orthopaedics/News & Insight

“Believe in Yourself:” A Prescription for Better TJA Outcomes?

Preop confidence independent predictor of patient success after TJA

January 6, 2015/Orthopaedics

A New Look at Obesity and Osteoarthritis

Many patients don’t want to believe the 2 are linked

December 1, 2014/Orthopaedics/Hip & Knee

Anterior Approach to Total Hip Arthroplasty Offers Benefits

Faster recovery with less pain, muscle damage


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November 24, 2014/Orthopaedics/Upper Extremity

Reverse Total Shoulder Replacement: A Useful Alternative for Older Patients

Ideal for severe arthritis, large rotator cuff tear

November 14, 2014/Orthopaedics/News & Insight

Redefining Care Delivery One Episode at a Time

A Cleveland Clinic Hospital pilots CMS bundled payments for joint replacement

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