Tag: new york times

June 1, 2020/Cancer/News & Insight

A Pandemic of Cancer Cases?

Delayed by the coronavirus outbreak, a wave of undiagnosed cancer cases may be building

April 15, 2020/Cancer

COVID-19 and the Cancer Clinic

An oncologist struggles with social distancing's impact on patients

March 20, 2020/Cancer/News & Insight

Not Lost in Translation

Interpreting patients’ responses to medical information can involve more than words

February 13, 2020/Cancer/News & Insight

To Be Young and Have Cancer

Adolescent and young adult patients face unique challenges that oncologists should consider


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December 20, 2019/Cancer/News & Insight

Moments in Time

For a cancer doctor, patients’ photographs are small windows into their condition

October 31, 2019/Cancer/News & Insight

Knowing When the Time is Right for Cancer Treatment

A patient’s mental preparedness counts

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Finding My Father, Preserved on Canvas

An oncologist reflects on his father’s love of art

The iconic surgical photo of Dr. Favaloro featured on the cover of this CME brochure.

Do You Really Know How Far Heart Care Has Come in 50 Years?

Multimedia timeline showcases half-century of immense progress

November 23, 2016/Cancer/News & Insight

The Pitfalls of Promises

How should an oncologist respond to a patient’s fear of death?

October 26, 2016/Cancer/Patient Support

When the Medical News Isn’t Good

Patience, compassion and an action plan are important

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