
November 16, 2022/Behavioral Health/Podcasts

Managing Increased Demand for Adolescent Psychiatric Services (Podcast)

Virtual care, shared appointments and a team-based approach help expand access

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Severe Childhood Trauma Causes Long-Term Changes in the Brain (Podcast)

Depression, substance abuse and more may emerge in adulthood

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Youth Say LGBTQ+ Conversations Should Be Started by Provider (Podcast)

How to care for teens struggling with sexual or gender identity

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November 4, 2020/Behavioral Health/Podcasts

Ketamine for Treatment-Resistant Depression: A Better Alternative to ECT? (Podcast)

Dr. Amit Anand shares his journey from a 1990s discovery to an ongoing randomized trial


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October 16, 2020/Behavioral Health/Podcasts

The Brain and Gender Identity: Current Evidence and Implications for Practice (Podcast)

Transgender patients’ brains resemble those of their identified gender, not biological gender

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