What Advice Do You Have for Women Entering Medical School Today?

3 Women's Professional Staff Association members field this question


Q: What advice do you have for women entering medical school today?

Julie Rish, PhD:

“Work hard, do what you love, find people who support and believe in your abilities to find success. Look for opportunities and boldly pursue what interests you … the truth is, you may not always have it all, but you can have enough. Take care of yourself, prioritize your family and find pockets of balance in this busy life. Do work with passion and purpose. Care for your patients, your self and one another …”


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Dr. Rish is a clinical psychologist and Director of Design and Best Practice in the Department of Patient Experience.

Zeina Nahleh, MD, PhD:

“Try to find your own formula for family-work balance since there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Work hard and be willing to go the extra miles, because that will pay off in the end. Be open to ideas and don’t get intimidated when doors are not open to you, there will always be more doors. Many will support you moving through those doors if you demonstrate hard work and integrity …”

Dr. Nahleh is Chair of the Department of Hematology & Oncology and Director of the Maroone Center at Cleveland Clinic Florida.


Diane Young, MD:

“This question made me smile because my daughter is in her 4th year of medical school and is choosing the same field as her mother! This career path is not easy and it requires hard work, dedication and perseverance, yet it is extremely rewarding and exciting. Seek out role models and mentors to collaborate about work and life, as it is possible to have a normal family life while working in medicine …”

Dr. Young is an Ob/Gyn with Regional Practice Obstetrics & Gynecology in the Women’s Health Institute.

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