Tag: complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS)

complex regional pain syndrome

Research Targets Stem Cell Therapy for Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

National Institutes of Health grant supports Cleveland Clinic study of first mechanism-guided therapy for CRPS

complex regional pain syndrome
November 17, 2022/Neurosciences

Case Study: The Overlap of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome and Functional Neurologic Disorder in Pediatrics

Two complex conditions with clinical and diagnostic similarities

Nitrous oxide

Study Will Look at Nitrous Oxide as Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Treatment

While logistical challenges remain, exasperated patients could have a new treatment option

Home infusion pharmacy saline drip
April 25, 2018/Pain Management/Research

Guiding Research on Ketamine Usage for CRPS

A closer look at subanesthetic intravenous ketamine infusion


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Help for Children with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

Intensive intervention for challenging, often misdiagnosed syndrome

September 30, 2016/Pain Management/Innovation

Dorsal Root Ganglion Stimulation Offered for CRPS in Lower Extremities

Experts compare DRG stimulation to traditional SCS


Using Dorsal Column Stimulation for Abdominal Pain

How it’s done and which patients should consider it


Spinal Cord Stimulation Is Effective For Chronic Neuropathic Pain

Often used for failed back surgery and complex regional pain syndromes

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