Tag: kidney disease

kidneys and diabetes

Kidney Disease in Diabetes: Updates and Recommendations

Cleveland Clinic’s Endocrinology & Metabolism Institute is working to offer novel opportunities and therapies for diabetes and kidney disease

November 17, 2021/Pediatrics/Nephrology

Novel Magnetic Resonance Imaging Identifies Biomarkers of Kidney Disease in Patients With Autosomal Recessive Polycystic Disease

The benefits of using this methodology and results from a single-institution experience


An In-House Solution to Address a National Shortage of Dialysate (Video)

Cleveland Clinic nephrologist shares step-by-step instructions


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Kidney Disease and Pulmonary Hypertension: A Deadly Duo

Study probes relationship between the two conditions

May 28, 2015/Transplant

Racial Disparities in Kidney Transplantation

How doctors can help African-Americans get needed care


Surgical Help for Intractable Nephrolithiasis

Renal autotransplantation and pyelovesicostomy provides relief for select patients

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