Tag: knowledge program

February 4, 2019/Neurosciences/Research

Patient-Reported Outcomes Across Stroke Types: More Commonalities Than Contrasts

Cohort study argues for uniformity in assessment and rehab

July 2, 2018/Geriatrics

Age Doesn’t Matter in CPAP Efficacy for Sleep Apnea

Retrospective study fills evidence gap on therapy’s merits in older adults

April 22, 2018/Neurosciences/Research

High Prevalence of Insomnia and Sleep Apnea Found Among Patients with Diverse Neuro Diseases

Should sleep history be incorporated into routine neurological care?

18-NEU-810-Stroke-Rehab-Katzan-650×450 (003)
April 13, 2018/Geriatrics

Post-Stroke Health Impacts Merit New Emphases in Stroke Survivor Care

Executive function, social roles and physical function loom large in new study


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September 20, 2016/Neurosciences

Self-Reported Depression in ALS: New Insights and Their Implications

Depression more prevalent than perceived, harms survival and QOL


Measuring Behavioral Health Outcomes

Efficient data collection is vital to improvement


Suicidal Thoughts Not Uncommon in MS, Epilepsy Patients

Analysis shows the PHQ-9 is a useful screening tool

December 29, 2014/Cancer

Innovative Strategies Being Used to Assess Cancer Patients for Distress

Screening tool given at check-in, results go to EMR


How Much Change Is Enough to Matter?

Determining minimal clinically important differences

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