Tag: pediatric hematology oncology and blood and marrow transplant

23-CHP-3826419 CQD Thomas And Kodish – Ethicists Role

Paving a Pathway for Ethics in Pediatric Hematology/Oncology

A closer look at training, scholarship and opportunity within this sub subspecialty

child with central line
February 28, 2020/Nursing

Zero CLABSIs on Pediatric Hematology and Oncology Unit in 2019

How Cleveland Clinic Children’s is improving patient safety

March 20, 2019/Cancer

Echocardiographic Screening Likely Unnecessary in Some Long-Term Pediatric Stem Cell Transplant Survivors

New study stratifies cardiac risk in radiation- and anthracycline-exposed patients

December 24, 2015/Cancer

Introducing Pediatric Hematologist-Oncologist Peter Anderson, MD, PhD

Clinician-researcher is a globally recognized osteosarcoma expert


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July 21, 2015/Cancer

Meeting Sickle Cell’s Challenges in Kind

Proactive approach required to prevent complications

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