Tag: reena mehra

Inspire device
June 12, 2023/Neurosciences

Upper Airway Neurostimulation Device for the Treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea

For patients with moderate to severe OSA who are intolerant of traditional CPAP therapy, HNS may provide a welcome improvement to QoL

18-NEU-5887-sleep-study-hero option 1
January 17, 2019/Neurosciences/Research

Two Awards Set the Stage for Sleep Science Innovations

Creating a sleep biophysiologic repository, and studying OSA/QT prolongation links

September 1, 2017/Neurosciences

Screening for OSA: Dispelling Misconceptions

More case-finding than screening


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Proteomic Signatures Help Illuminate Links Between Sleep Apnea, Paroxysmal Afib

Studies find altered protein levels associated with inflammation, fibrosis


Sleep-Disordered Breathing and Obesity Promote Afib After Cardiac Surgery

Extra caution in order for this vulnerable population


How Studies of Sleep-Disordered Breathing Are Shedding Light on Atrial Fibrillation

Strong epidemiologic findings are put to the test in ongoing clinical studies

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