

Prediction Model Estimates Anticipated Weight Loss from Four Common Anti-Obesity Medications

Shared decision-making tool published in a recent study fills void


Testosterone Replacement Therapy Does Not Increase or Decrease Cardiovascular Risk, Study Finds

Risks and rewards of supplementation must be carefully weighed for older men with secondary hypogonadism


After Metabolic Surgery, Canagliflozin Reduces BMI and Blood Glucose Levels in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes

New study finds that the average patient can expect to lose an additional 3.5kg on canagliflozin


Vitamin D3 Supplementation Fails to Significantly Lower Diabetes Risk in Patients with Pre-diabetes

Study confirms gold standards of weight loss, nutrition and exercise for diabetes prevention


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Optimizing Diabetes Outcomes from Weight Loss Surgery: The First Year May Matter Most

Weight fluctuations after year one less important than percentage of weight loss in year one, study suggests


Patient-Specific Therapy Selection Critical in Order to Avoid Intensification Inertia

New study explores intensification inertia in patients with diabetes and above-goal A1C levels

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SGLT2 Diabetes Meds and Amputations

A closer look at a recent study


Study Looks at Ketogenic Diet to Treat PCOS and Infertility

Natural infertility treatment regulates periods without meds

Job # 033412 Weigl 10-21-10

Q&A: Physician and Researcher on Diabetes and Endocrinology Care Today

Endocrinologist favors a more aggressive approach to diabetes

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