
March 12, 2019/Cancer

Diagnostic Performance of PET/CT Scans in Evaluation of Patients with Skeletal Metastases of Unknown Primary

Study finds little evidence of diagnostic utility in identification of the primary tumor when standard investigations fail

October 18, 2018/Orthopaedics/Research

Analysis of Glenoid Component Shift and Osteolysis Following Anatomic Total Shoulder Arthroplasty

Study evaluates glenoid component position and radiolucency using 3D CT imaging

bear moon
October 11, 2018/Orthopaedics/Research

Study of New ACL Repair Mechanism Receives $6M in NIH Support

A potential paradigm-changer for common orthopaedic injury


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January 10, 2018/Orthopaedics/Research

Scapular Notching Following Reverse Total Shoulder Arthroplasty

Investigating patient-specific bony anatomy, implant location and shoulder motion to avoid scapular notching

October 23, 2017/Geriatrics

Co-Management of Geriatric Hip Fractures Using a Detailed Multidisciplinary Protocol

Improving outcomes and simultaneously decreasing costs

October 5, 2017/Orthopaedics/Research

Orthopaedic Surgery and Evidence-based Patient Care: What’s the Value?

A short answer from Department of Orthopaedic Surgery Chairman Michael A. Mont, MD

August 28, 2017/Orthopaedics/Research

How Can We Reduce Opioid Use Pre- and Postsurgery in Orthopaedics?

Department of Orthopaedic Surgery Chairman Michael A. Mont, MD, weighs in

February 27, 2017/Orthopaedics/Research

Blood Grouping Identifies Patients at Risk for Developing Venous Thromboembolism

Low-cost screening method can guide prophylaxis choices

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