Gastroenterology, hepatology & nutrition

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Measuring Motility in Children: When to Consider a Manometry Study

Common motility issues, indications for testing, and when to refer your patient

22-CHP-3004617 CQD-Kurowski-Event Wrap Up – 1st Annual IBD
August 5, 2022/Digestive

What’s Ahead in Pediatric IBD Care? Cure-Based Therapies and Prevention-Based Interventions

Symposium highlights areas of hope and advancement within the field

22-CHP-3020544 CQD- Barry – Advanced Endoscopic Techniques in Children-650×450
July 15, 2022/Digestive

Bringing Small Bowel Enteroscopy into the Pediatric Setting

Jessica Barry, MD, pediatric gastroenterologist talks about the procedure and its implications for care


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Citrullinemia Type 1: A Case Report

Multidisciplinary care for pediatric metabolic liver disease


Taming Itching in Progressive Familial Intrahepatic Cholestasis

New treatments are being investigated to treat symptoms and halt progression


Management of Glycogen Storage Disease Type 1 in the Emergency Department

These children may look and act normal, but they have a life-threatening metabolic disease

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