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Search Results for: covid 19

April 3, 2020/COVID-19

How Common are Gastrointestinal Symptoms in COVID-19?

By Miguel Regueiro, MDEvery day, we learn more about the symptoms of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). While the primary symptoms are fever …


7 Ways to Build Resilience Amid Another COVID-19 Surge

By Becky Tilahun, PhDAs we hoped for a light at the end of the long COVID-19 tunnel, the recent rapid rise in cases and hospitalizations has been disheartening, if not surreal. It feels as …


Cognitive Assessments: Yet Another Casualty of the COVID-19 Shutdown

… was developed. By 2020 the program was running across Cleveland Clinic’s health system.Then came the COVID-19 pandemic, and in-person annual wellness visits stopped.“For several months, we mostly delivered care virtually …

June 29, 2021/COVID-19

Obesity May Increase Risk of Long-Term COVID-19 Complications

A Cleveland Clinic study found that survivors of COVID-19 with moderate or severe obesity have an increased risk of long-term complications of the disease, compared with patients who do not have obesity.“Multiple …


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Study Suggests Mechanistic Overlap Between Alzheimer’s and COVID-19

A new Cleveland Clinic-led study has identified mechanisms by which COVID-19 can lead to Alzheimer’s disease (AD)-like dementia. The findings, which indicate an overlap between COVID-19 and brain changes common …

Case Study in Collaboration: Decreasing Prolonged Post-CABG Ventilation Rates
June 4, 2021/Cancer/Research

Mechanical Ventilation Rates in Oncology Patients with COVID-19

… 2,000 patients who are undergoing treatment of hematologic malignancy or solid tumors and who have COVID-19.Study findings at a glanceTwenty percent of the 162 participants reported at least one hospitalization for COVID

March 29, 2021/COVID-19

Registry Study Pinpoints Risk Factors for Worse COVID-19 Outcomes in Patients With MS

… with the virus and that most MS therapies appear to have no effect on the severity of COVID-19.“Neurologists have worried about how patients with autoimmune disorders like MS would do with COVID-19

March 23, 2021/COVID-19

How System-Wide Strategies Early in the COVID-19 Pandemic Improved ICU Outcomes

… for hospital deaths, ICU length of stay, hospital length of stay and mechanical ventilation duration in the COVID-19 cohort. Meanwhile, ICU outcomes for the non-COVID-19 cohort remained relatively unchanged, according to the …

March 12, 2021/COVID-19

Study Identifies Role of Neutralizing Antibody in COVID-19 Re-infection, Transmission

A preclinical study of the role of neutralizing antibodies in reinfection and transmission of SARS-CoV-2 offers a further sign of hope, along with increased vaccination rates, for the control of COVID-19. But …

February 23, 2021/Pulmonary/Critical Care

Managing Thrombotic Complications in ICU Patients with COVID-19

… breath, worsening oxygenation, hypotension or tachycardia, especially if imaging or clinical findings are not consistent with worsening COVID pneumonia. Data from France suggest that PE seen in patients with COVID-19 occurs at a median …

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