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Search Results for: covid 19

20-EYE-1875149-CQD-Ophthalmology-Virtual-Visits (1)
April 23, 2020/COVID-19

How to Use Telehealth for Ophthalmology Patients During COVID-19 Crisis

Even ophthalmologists can take advantage of relaxed regulations on telehealth services during the COVID-19 crisis.Since March, Shalini Sood-Mendiratta, MD, of Cleveland Clinic’s Cole Eye Institute, has seen up to 10 eye …

woman with mask
April 17, 2020/Pulmonary

Insights From an Infectious Disease Physician During the COVID-19 Pandemic

… patient demographics that may affect disease pathology.One study examined 139 patients in Wuhan, China, hospitalized with COVID-19. Of these patients, 46.4% had one or more coexisting comorbidities. Among the most common included …

March 4, 2020/COVID-19

Coronaviruses Have Been Around For Centuries: What Differentiates COVID-19?

To better understand the SARS-CoV-2 virus and COVID-19, the disease it causes, from an infectious disease perspective, some experts advise viewing coronaviruses categorically as “old” and “new” in terms of how long …

Patient Centered Liver Care

Collaborative Care for Liver Disease in a Time of COVID-19

Spurred by the need to overcome industrywide resource restrictions during the early days of the COVID pandemic, the multidisciplinary liver tumor board at Cleveland Clinic Weston Hospital turned a challenge into an opportunity to improve …


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January 13, 2023/COVID-19

Optimal Management of High Risk Immunocompromised Patients in the COVID-19 Era

… the positive results provide insights into future opportunities.By Cassandra Calabrese, DO, and Leonard H. Calabrese, DOThe COVID-19 pandemic has affected the field of rheumatology in many ways, and while our understanding of the …

September 7, 2021/Transplant

Early Successes in Kidney Transplantation From Deceased Donors With COVID-19

… other transplant centers.Notes on donor selection and management“None of the donors had clinical manifestations of COVID-19, either before or at the time of admission. None of their chest imaging revealed infiltrates emblematic …

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August 20, 2021/COVID-19

Share This With Patients Wary of mRNA Vaccines Against COVID-19

COVID-19 Vaccine Cause Long-Term Effects?Will the COVID-19 Vaccine Harm My Fertility?Will the COVID-19 Vaccine Change Your DNA?If I Am Young and Healthy, Do I Still Need the COVID

Adolescent female ties cleats before heading to softball
April 15, 2021/COVID-19

Determining When Pediatric Patients Can Return to Play Following COVID-19 Infection

… significant source of fear for families.Although a lot remains unknown about the longer-term effects of COVID-19 infection and COVID-19 related myocarditis has not been well established in athletes, current recommendations suggest …

Man smoking
February 16, 2021/COVID-19

More Smoking Pack Years Can Mean Worse Outcomes of COVID-19 Infection

… more a patient was exposed to smoking, the more likely they were to have worse outcomes from COVID-19,” says Lowe.Risk increases with number of pack yearsPatients in Cleveland Clinic’s COVID-19 registry …

December 18, 2020/COVID-19

Physicians Can Help Patients Understand What Happens Next with COVID-19 Vaccination

Now that phased administration of a COVID-19 vaccine has begun, general practice physicians are fielding questions and requests for guidance from patients. While we await wide distribution of the Pfizer BioNTech vaccine and a …

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