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Search Results for: covid 19

December 7, 2020/Cancer/Research

Cleveland Clinic’s Cancer Research Team Sees Increased Productivity During COVID-19

… reach out and express gratitude that they’re able to work from home,” she says. “During the COVID-19 pandemic, they feel safer and more comfortable. And, there are fewer stressors related to a commute …

Melatonin may prevent COVID-19

Melatonin a Promising Candidate for Prevention and Treatment of COVID-19

… drugs for COVID-19 repurposing has revealed melatonin as a promising candidate.Melatonin usage may help prevent COVID-19 infectionAnalysis of patient data from Cleveland Clinic’s COVID-19 registry also revealed that melatonin usage …


Consequences of Lapse in Anti-VEGF Therapy During the COVID-19 Pandemic

… LTFU affects patients with DME and AMD is even more important now, after the recent outbreak of COVID-19. The pandemic placed enormous strain on U.S. health systems, resulting in a significant decrease in …

November 16, 2020/Cancer/Blood Cancers

How to Talk to Your Cancer Patients About Their COVID-19 Risk

Patients with cancer, and especially those receiving treatment, are approaching their physicians with questions about their risk of contracting COVID-19. Mikkael Sekeres, MD, MS, Director of Cleveland Clinic Cancer Center’s Leukemia Program, offers …


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October 15, 2020/Cancer/News & Insight

Beyond Social Distancing: Cancer Care in the Age of COVID-19

Cancer care is not exempt from the truism that COVID-19 has changed our world in unprecedented ways. Beyond the sheer logistics of keeping a cancer center safe for patients during a global pandemic lie …

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June 5, 2020/COVID-19

Responding to the Needs of the Elderly Community During COVID-19

The impact of COVID-19 is being felt most acutely by older patients whose health risks are compounded by multi-morbidity as well as compromised immune systems, decreased physiological reserve, frailty and sarcopenia. Data from …

Abdominal Surgery
May 20, 2020/COVID-19

Comprehensive Protocol Protects Pre- and Post-Transplant Patients from COVID-19

… positive for COVID-19, Cleveland Clinic has developed a protocol centered on housing these patients in designated COVID-19-free units.“We wanted to establish a COVID-19-free environment for these vulnerable patients, who …

May 19, 2020/COVID-19

How to Safely Preserve Stroke Care Quality in the COVID-19 Era

Delivering stroke care in the time of COVID-19 can be a uniquely daunting task. Acute stroke care carries high risk of provider exposure to the virus. Care delivery is fast-paced, requiring numerous patient …

May 15, 2020/Behavioral Health

A Case-Based Window Into Treating Acute Anxiety in COVID-19 Patients

… illnesses. While there are currently no definitive guidelines specific to the treatment of emotional distress related to COVID-19, a new case-based review published in Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine’s COVID-19 Curbside …

May 1, 2020/COVID-19

IDSA Publishes Guidelines on the Treatment and Management of COVID-19 Patients

By Adarsh Bhimraj, MDA few weeks ago, when I was on our hospital’s COVID-19 clinical service, it felt like an impossible task keeping up with the rapidly emerging literature while caring for patients …

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