Tag: body mass index (BMI)

cystic fibrosis

Adapting to the Paradigm Shift in Cystic Fibrosis Treatment

As median survival increases among patients with CF, clinicians must now be aware of previously uncommon comorbidities emerging as this patient population ages

October 31, 2022/Digestive/News

New Guidelines Broaden Patients’ Eligibility for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery

Expert panel endorses greater access based on research showing procedures’ safety and efficacy

COVID Obesity
August 26, 2020/COVID-19

Obesity as a Major Risk Factor for COVID-19

Mitigating the risk requires physicians to take an active role in the care of patients with obesity


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April 24, 2020/Digestive

Perioperative Pain Perception and Analgesic Requirements in Pediatric Patients with Obesity

Study finds no significant association between BMI and pain following most noncardiac procedures

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