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Tag: healthcare disparities

Doctors working on MGUS screening study
March 18, 2024/Cancer/Research

Pilot Study Aims for Early Identification of Multiple Myeloma Precursor Among Black Patients

First-of-its-kind research investigates the viability of standard screening to reduce the burden of late-stage cancer diagnoses


Analysis Documents Lingering Racial, Ethnic Gaps Despite Gains in National Stroke Quality Initiative

Target: Stroke yields more frequent and faster thrombolysis, but disparities remain for non-white population


U.S. Suffers Significant Geographic Disparities in Access to Neurologists and Multiple Sclerosis Care

Analysis characterizes geography’s sizable role in urban/rural care divides

A woman is working at home using a modem router, connecting the Internet to her laptop.

Lack of Broadband-Quality Internet Undercuts Uptake of Cardiac Rehabilitation

Rates of CR eligibility high and internet access low among older patients in rural areas


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Navigating Barriers to Care for Vulnerable Patients (Podcast)

Insight on caring for patients who lack adequate insurance, a social support system or financial stability

22-CHP-3480260 CQD Amdani-Race and Socioeconomic
April 6, 2023/Pediatrics/Cardiology

Digging Deeper into Racial and Socioeconomic Disparities in Pediatric Heart Transplant

More scientific evidence is needed to guide these challenging, complex decisions

Mother and baby health care

4 Things 2020 Revealed About Healthcare Today

Health disparities, mental health and more

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