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Tag: samir kapadia


Time to Reperfusion for In-Hospital STEMI: Dramatic Gains Achievable with Comprehensive Protocol

Study shows progress from rethinking processes for a vulnerable population


CMS Algorithm for Public Reporting of Door-to-Balloon Time Inflates Hospital Performance

Analysis suggests need for strategies to better reflect STEMI care quality


STEMI Protocol Bridges Gender Gap in Care and Outcomes

Gains from new STEMI care processes are especially pronounced in women


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Percutaneous Mending of the Mitral Valve: A Status Report on Challenges and Progress

Profile of six ongoing studies aiming to overcome anatomic hurdles

The Sentinel device

Cerebral Protection in TAVR: Approval Marks Start of a New Era

Safety considerations prevail in FDA decision on Sentinel device

Case Study: Advanced Multilayer Cardiac Disease from Prior Thoracic Radiation

Case Study: Advanced Multilayer Cardiac Disease from Prior Thoracic Radiation

Why alternatives to surgery matter in radiation heart disease

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