Tag: type 2 diabetes (T2D)

February 10, 2023/COVID-19

Effects of COVID-19 on Blood Sugar and Type 2 Diabetes

Cleveland Clinic analysis suggests that obtaining care for the virus might reveal a previously undiagnosed condition

kidneys and diabetes

Kidney Disease in Diabetes: Updates and Recommendations

Cleveland Clinic’s Endocrinology & Metabolism Institute is working to offer novel opportunities and therapies for diabetes and kidney disease

Insulin vial

Stratifying Patients with Type 2 Diabetes for Targeted Intervention

High-need, high-cost patients identified in retrospective study

November 6, 2019/Digestive/Research

Liver Steatosis in Type 2 Diabetes is a Predictor of Improved Glycemic Outcomes after Bariatric Surgery

Research suggests T2D variants with differing metabolic responses to gastric bypass


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After Metabolic Surgery, Canagliflozin Reduces BMI and Blood Glucose Levels in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes

New study finds that the average patient can expect to lose an additional 3.5kg on canagliflozin


Vitamin D3 Supplementation Fails to Significantly Lower Diabetes Risk in Patients with Pre-diabetes

Study confirms gold standards of weight loss, nutrition and exercise for diabetes prevention

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