Tag: waitlist mortality

22-URL-3384771 CQD

Study Pinpoints US Geographic Hot Spots for Delayed Kidney Transplant Waitlisting Practices

Key findings and proposed clinical interventions for disparity areas

January 9, 2023/Pediatrics/Cardiology

Heart Transplant Outcomes Are Improving, Except in Children With Myocarditis

Study shows waitlist and post-transplant outcomes haven’t improved in 30 years

September 2, 2021/Transplant

Many High-Priority Patients Not Placed on Kidney Transplant Waitlist

Demographic and social factors found to influence preemptive listing


Time to Include eGFR and Serum Albumin Among Heart Allocation Criteria?

SRTR analysis identifies most-important predictors of waitlist mortality


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Continuously Updated Model Promises to Refine Heart Transplant Waitlist Mortality Estimates

Recognizing the dynamic nature of risk promises better organ allocation

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