Tag: fatty liver disease

May 6, 2022/Digestive

Cardiac Considerations for the Liver Transplant Patient

As the demographics of transplant recipients shift, their heart care must keep pace

December 1, 2021/Digestive

Bariatric Surgery Drives Down Adverse Liver and Heart Outcomes in Obesity With Advanced Fatty Liver Disease

First report of major endpoint reduction in patients with biopsy-proven NASH

November 6, 2019/Digestive/Research

Liver Steatosis in Type 2 Diabetes is a Predictor of Improved Glycemic Outcomes after Bariatric Surgery

Research suggests T2D variants with differing metabolic responses to gastric bypass

May 19, 2015/Digestive/Research

Exhaled Breath Test Detects Advanced Fibrosis

May serve as a marker of liver disease severity


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July 29, 2014/All Specialties

Breathing Life into the Prospect of Early Detection of Pediatric Fatty Liver Disease

Exhaled breath analysis shows promise for noninvasive diagnosis

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