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October 15, 2018/Cancer/News & Insight

ASTRO 2018: Oct 21-24

Please join our staff as we participate or present in the following oral and poster presentations at the 2018 ASTRO Annual Meeting


Sunday, October 21

Oral Presentations
Validation of RTOG 0813 Normal Tissue Constraints for Pulmonary Toxicity for Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy in Central Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
1:35PM – 1:45PM
Room 004
Manyam B, Verdecchia K, Videtic GMM, Zhuang TL, Woody NM, Stephans KL


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Supplanting the Conventional Risk Groups of Oral Cavity Cancers with Gene Expression-based Signatures
4:55PM – 5:05PM
Room 006
Sarihan EI, Koyfman SA, Woody NM, Matia B, Joshi NP, Geiger J, Lamarre ED, Prendes B, Ku J, Lorenz R, Scharpf J, Burkey BB, Adelstein DJ, Abazeed ME

Improving Prognostic Classification in Intermediate Risk Oral Cavity Squamous Cell Carcinoma: A Multi-Institutional Collaborative Study
5:05PM – 5:15PM
Room 006
Woody N, Tsai CJ, Caudell J, Ghanem A, Liu H, Rybicki L, Joshi N, Geiger J, Lamarre E, Schymick M, Burkey B, Tam L, Dunlap N, Porceddu S, Siddiqui F, Adelstein D, Lee N, Koyfman S

The Influence of Smoking and Age on Pathologic Features and Outcomes in Oral Cavity Squamous Cell Cancer: A Multi-Institutional Collaborative Study
5:15PM – 5:25PM
Room 006
Ghanem A, Schymick M, Xiao R, Tsai CJ, Lee N, Liu H, Tam L, Woody N, Caudell J, Reddy C, Joshi N, Geiger J, Lamarre E, Dunlap N, Burkey B, Adelstein D, Koyfman S, Porceddu S, Siddiqui F

Validating the AJCC 8th Edition of the Oral Cavity Cancer Staging System: A Multi-Institutional Collaborative Study*
5:25PM – 5:35PM
Room 006
Koyfman S, Joshi N, Lamarre E, Tsai CJ, Schymick M, Liu H, Tam L, Rybicki L, Dunlap N, Porceddu S, Ghanem A, Siddiqui F, Caudell J, Lee N, Geiger J, Burkey B, Adelstein D, Woody N
*Best of ASTRO

Risk of Contralateral Nodal Failure in Well Lateralized Early T-stage Oral Cavity Cancer Receiving Unilateral Treatment
5:35PM – 5:45PM
Room 006
Liu H, Tam L, Woody N, Caudell J, Reddy C, Ghanem A, Schymick M, Joshi N, Geiger J, Lamarre E, Burkey B, Adelstein D, Dunlap N, Siddiqui F, Koyfman S, Porceddu S

Poster Discussions
Evaluating Safety of SBRT Following 90Y for Hepatocellular Carcinoma, Considering Dosimetry
1:15PM – 2:45PM
Innovation Hub, Exhibit Hall 3
Campbell S, Juloori A, LaHurd D, Yu N, Haddadin I, Levitin A, McLennan G, Menon KVN, Aucejo F, Woody NM, Stephans KL


The Effect of the Timing of Biochemical Failure after External Beam Radiotherapy or Low Dose-Rate Brachytherapy for Definitive Prostate Cancer Treatment
1:15PM – 2:45PM
Innovation Hub, Exhibit Hall 3
Ciezki J, Reddy C, Mian O, Tendulkar R, UlchakerJ, Angermeier K, Campbell S, Stephenson A, Klein E

Outcomes Following Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy for Patients with Child-Pugh B or C Hepatocellular Carcinoma
1:15PM – 2:45PM
Innovation Hub, Exhibit Hall 3
Juloori A, Woody NM, Menon KVN, Romero-Marrero C, Kim A, Varley M, Qi P, Miller C, Aucejo F, Stephans KL

Effect of Margin Size and Image Guidance Method on Biochemical Failure and Toxicity in Prostate Cancer Treated with IMRT
1:15PM – 2:45PM
Innovation Hub, Exhibit Hall 3
Kost S, Reddy CA, Bittinger K, Stephans KL, Tendulkar RD, Xia P

Heterogeneous Dose-Escalated Prostate Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy for All Risk Prostate Cancer: Quality of Life and Clinical Outcomes of an Institutional Phase 2 Study
1:15PM – 2:45PM
Innovation Hub, Exhibit Hall 3
Parsai S, Juloori A, Reddy C, Thousand R, Magnelli A, Balik S, Berglund RK, Stovsky M, Klein EA, Tendulkar, R, Stephans K

Anatomically Restricted Dose Escalated SBRT to the Pancreas Effects High Local Control and Rapid and Substantial Pain Relief
1:15PM – 2:45PM
Innovation Hub, Exhibit Hall 3
Sharrett JM, Sarihan EI, Magnelli A, Woody NM, Stephans KL, Abazeed M

Tumor Gene Expression Profiling in Prostate Cancer Identifies Molecular Taxonomies Associated with Node Positivity and Quantitative Imaging Features on Multiparametric MRI
1:15PM – 2:45PM
Innovation Hub, Exhibit Hall 3
Sittenfeld S, Williamson D, Tendulkar R, Stephans K, Ciezki J, Hwang TH, McKenney J, Magi-Galluzzi C, Fareed K, Berglund R, Stephenson A, Klein E, Purysko A, Mian O


Achieving “Zero PSA” Following Post-prostatectomy Radiotherapy for Lymph Node Positive Prostate Cancer in the Ultrasensitive PSA Era
1:15PM – 2:45PM
Innovation Hub, Exhibit Hall 3
Tom M, Mian O, Stephans K, Reddy C, Xu S, Rini B, Garcia J, Ornstein M, Klein E, Stephenson A, Tendulkar R

Monday, October 22

Oral Presentations
Ten-Year Outcomes and Toxicity with Moderately Hypofractionated (70 Gy in 28 fractions) Intensity-Modulated Radiotherapy for Localized Prostate Cancer
8:25AM – 8:35AM
Room 214 C/D
Abu-Gheida I, Kotecha R, Weller MA, Shah CS, Reddy CA, Kupelian PA, Mian OY, Ciezki JP, Stephans KL, Tendulkar RD

A Phase 2 Trial of Response-Based Radiation Therapy with Localized Central Nervous System Germ Cell Tumors: A Children’s Oncology Group Study. Patterns of Failure and Radiation Dosimetry for Non-Germinomatous Germ Cell Tumors**
10:45AM – 10:55AM
Room 008
Murphy ES, Fangusar J, Dhall G, Bartels U, Fouladi M, Shaw D, Khatua S, Williams Hughes C, Panigraphy A, Souweidane M, Morris D, Lu HM, Gajjar A, Onar A, Wu S, Haas-Kogan DA, MacDonald SM
** Annual Meeting Travel Award Recipient

Comparing 10 Year Outcomes with Salvage Mastectomy Followed by Immediate Autologous Reconstruction or Tissue Expander/Implant-Based Reconstruction in Patients with Locally Recurrent Breast Cancer After Breast Conservation Therapy
11:35AM – 11:45AM
Room 214 C/D
Manyam B, Shah C, Woody NM, Juloori A, Wengler C, Valente S, Grobmyer S, Kundu N, Djohan R, Tendulkar R

Risk Factors for Progression of Low-Grade Glioma Following Gross Total Resection and Observation in the Molecular Era
11:55AM – 12:05PM
Room 004
Varra V, Leyrer CM, Tom MC, Yu JS, Kotagal K, Reddy CA, Chao ST, Suh JH, Barnett GH, Vogelbaum MA, Ahluwalia M, Peereboom D, Prayson R, Stevens G, Murphy ES


Comparing 10-Year Outcomes in Radiated Patients with Breast Autologous Reconstruction or Tissue Expander/Implant-Based Reconstruction*
11:55AM – 12:05PM
Room 214 C/D
Manyam B, Shah C, Woody NM, Juloori A, Wengler C, Valente S, Grobmyer S, Kundu N, Djohan R, Tendulkar R
*Best of ASTRO 2018

International Multi-Institutional Study of Intraoperative Radiotherapy for Recurrent Gastrointestinal Tumors
5:05PM – 5:15PM
Room 214 C/D
Balagamwala EH, Reddy CA, Leyrer CM, Potemin S, Kolar M, Polkowski W, Sperk E, Wenz F, Amarnath SR, Hull T, Chalikonda S, Cherian S

Poster Discussions
Patient Selection and Treatment Outcomes with IMRT-Based Head and Neck Reirradiation
7:45AM – 8:05AM
Lila Cockrell Theatre
Koyfman S

Stereotactic Radiosurgery with Concurrent HER2-directed Therapy Is Associated with Improved Objective Response for Breast Cancer Brain Metastasis
10:45AM – 12:15PM
Innovation Hub, Exhibit Hall 3
Kim J, Miller J, Kotecha R, Chao S, Ahluwalia M, Peereboom D, Mohammadi A, Barnett G, Murphy E, Vogelbaum M, Angelov L, Abraham J, Moore H, Budd GT, Suh J

Stereotactic Radiosurgery with Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor Therapy for Patients with Brain Metastasis: The Impact of Timing and Sequencing
10:45AM – 12:15PM
Innovation Hub, Exhibit Hall 3
Kotecha R, Kim JM, Miller JA, Chao ST, Mohammadi AM, Peereboom DM, Murphy ES, Suh JH, Barnett GH, Vogelbaum MA, Angelov L, Ahluwalia MS

Nationwide Characteristics of Providers Utilizing Tumor Treating Fields for Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma
10:45AM – 12:15PM
Innovation Hub, Exhibit Hall 3
McClelland S, Sosanya O, Mitin T, Degnin C, Chen Y, Attia A, Suh JH, Jaboin JJ


Early Objective Response as a Prognosticator for Final Objective Response and Survival Following SRS for Brain Metastases Treated with Concurrent Systemic Therapy
10:45AM – 12:15PM
Innovation Hub, Exhibit Hall 3
Miller JA, Kim JM, Kotecha R, Ahluwalia MS, Murphy ES, Suh JH, Mohammadi AM, Barnett GH, Vogelbaum MA, Angelov L, Chao ST

Loco-regional Relapse and Predictors of Outcome in Early-Stage Oral Cavity Cancers (pT1-2N0) Treated with Surgical Monotherapy with or without Neck Dissection: A Multi-institutional Study
10:45AM – 12:15PM
Innovation Hub, Exhibit Hall 3
Porceddu S, Siddiqui F, Caudell J, Koyfman S, Tsai CJ, Liu H, Reddy C, Joshi N, Geiger J, Ghanem A, Schymick M, Burkey B, Lamarre E, Adelstein D, Lee N, Dunlap N, Woody N

Spine Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy with Concurrent Systemic Therapies for Treatment of Metastatic Breast Cancer
10:45AM – 12:15PM
Innovation Hub, Exhibit Hall 3
Zhuang R, Lee M, Balagamwala EH, Angelov L, Suh JH, Chao ST

Tuesday, October 23

Oral Presentations
Outcomes of Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy Delivered by Gantry-Based Linear Accelerators for Low- and Intermediate-Risk Prostate Adenocarcinoma: A Multi-Institutional Study
5:25PM – 5:35PM
Room 214 C/D
Stephans KL, Nickols NG, Kupelian PA, Steinberg ML, Kishan AU

Poster Discussions
Outcomes of Spine Stereotactic Radiosurgery for the Treatment of Spine Metastases from Renal Cell Carcinoma
1:00PM – 2:30PM
Innovation Hub, Exhibit Hall 3
Balagamwala EH, Zhuang R, Reddy CA, Lee M, Angelov L, Suh JH, Chao ST

Comparison of Spine SRS VMAT Plans with Flattening Filter Free 6 MV or 10 MV beams
1:00PM – 2:30PM
Innovation Hub, Exhibit Hall 3
Balik S, Qi P, Magnelli A, Chao ST, Suh JH, Zhuang T

Evaluating the Accuracy of Commercial Deformable Image Registration Software for Real Patient Images Using Anthropomorphic Modeling
1:00PM – 2:30PM
Innovation Hub, Exhibit Hall 3
Guo B, Qiu L, Donaghue JD, Hsu SH, Xia P

Setup Time and Positioning Accuracy in Breast Radiotherapy Using Surface-Guided Radiation Therapy
1:00PM – 2:30PM
Innovation Hub, Exhibit Hall 3
Kost S, Shah CS, Xia P, Guo B

Radiation Treatment Incidents Are Significantly Reduced Using Modified Treatment Table Parameters and Daily Overrides Report
1:00PM – 2:30PM
Innovation Hub, Exhibit Hall 3
Majkszak DM, Peterson ZT, Meier T, Chao ST, Murray EJ, Suh JH, Yu N

Enhancing Quality Improvement Within Radiation Oncology at a Large Teaching Institution: The Survey Says
1:00 PM – 2:30 PM
Innovation Hub, Exhibit Hall 3
Meier T, Suh JH, Barrett P, Patt M, Graham S, Chao ST

Calculation of Head and Neck Treatment Doses on Cone-Beam CT
1:00PM – 2:30PM
Innovation Hub, Exhibit Hall 3
Qiu L, Joshi N, Woody N, Koyfman S, Godley A

Feasibility of Temporally Feathered Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy Plans: Techniques to Reduce Normal Tissue Toxicity
1:00PM – 2:30PM
Innovation Hub, Exhibit Hall 3
Parsai S, Donaghue J, Alfonso, JCL, Joshi NP, Godley A, Caudell JJ, Fuller CD, Enderling H, Koyfman SA, Scott JG

Evaluating the Cost Effectiveness of Image-Guided Partial Breast Irradiation Compared to Hypofractionated Whole Breast Irradiation
1:00PM – 2:30PM
Innovation Hub, Exhibit Hall 3
Shah C, Ward M, Singer M

Analysis of Cardiac Motion Without Respiratory Motion for Cardiac Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy
1:00PM – 2:30PM
Innovation Hub, Exhibit Hall 3
Xia P

The Implications of Biomarker Status in Breast Metastases Treated with Spine Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy
1:00PM – 2:30PM
Innovation Hub, Exhibit Hall 3
Zhuang R, Balagamwala EH, Reddy C, Lee M, Angelov L, Suh JH, Chao ST

The Response of EGFR-Mutated Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Spine Metastases to Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy
1:00PM – 2:30PM
Innovation Hub, Exhibit Hall 3
Zhuang R, Balagamwala EH, Reddy CA, Lee M, Angelov L, Suh JH, Chao ST

Assessment of Cardiac Dosimetry and Additional Cardiac Risk Factors in Patients Undergoing Modern Breast Cancer Radiotherapy
2:45PM – 4:15PM
Innovation Hub, Exhibit Hall 3
Fleming C, Kunapareddy G, Yu N, Tendulkar R, Cherian S, Budd G, Collier P, Shah C

Impact of Tumor Location & Dosimetric Predictors for Chest Wall Toxicity in Single-Fraction SBRT for Stage I Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
2:45PM – 4:15PM
Innovation Hub, Exhibit Hall 3
Manyam B, Videtic GMM, Verdecchia K, Reddy CA, Woody NM, Zhuang TL, Stephans KL

Assessing Quality of Heart Contouring and Dosimetry in Treatment of Left-Sided Breast Cancer Across Cancer Centers Within an Integrated Health System
2:45PM – 4:15PM
Innovation Hub, Exhibit Hall 3
Manyam B, Kost S, Xia P, Tendulkar R, Shah C, Guo B

The Influence of Technical Delivery Factors on Local Control with Stereotactic Body Radiation for Early Stage Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
2:45PM – 4:15PM
Innovation Hub, Exhibit Hall 3
Stephans KL, Reddy CA, Juloori A, Manyam B, Woody NM, Zhuang TL, Videtic GMM

Wednesday, October 24

Oral Presentations
The Impact of Clonal Composition on the Efficacy of Radiotherapy in Lung Adenocarcinoma
8:15AM – 8:25AM
Room 004
Gopal P, Sarihan EI, Peacock CD, Abazeed ME

Oropharynx Cancers: Contouring Nodal and Non-Nodal Regions at Risk
11:45AM – 12:10PM
Room 006
Joshi N

Poster Discussions
Salvage Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy for Local Recurrence after Primary Surgical Resection of Early-Stage Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
2:18PM – 2:24PM
Room 217 C/D
Sittenfeld S, Juloori A, Reddy C, Stephans K, Videtic G

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