Health Information Technology


Virtual Visits Streamline Care in Specific Areas of Pain Management

Telehealth aids in treatment of fibromyalgia and median arcuate ligament syndrome


Advancing Biomedical Research Using Quantum Computing (Podcast)

How a Cleveland Clinic/IBM quantum computer partnership aims to hasten discoveries

A woman is working at home using a modem router, connecting the Internet to her laptop.

Lack of Broadband-Quality Internet Undercuts Uptake of Cardiac Rehabilitation

Rates of CR eligibility high and internet access low among older patients in rural areas

Infant fever

Infant Fever: Standardizing Care Connects Clinical Guidance with Digital Tools

The infant fever care path is an interactive, step-by-step tool within the electronic health record that reduces high variability among standard practices to ensure safe, quality care at all Cleveland Clinic locations


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Cleveland Clinic’s Virtual Emergency Medicine Program: Treating the Right Patients in the Right Place

Remotely based physicians use telehealth technology to evaluate lower-acuity patients in the ED, express clinic or during an EMS response


One-click Ordering Promotes Preventive Care, Eases Provider Workflow

Cleveland Clinic providers shifted to one-click ordering to simplify the workflow while increasing visibility of patient-specific recommended wellness screenings


Clinical Informatics Elective Provides Immersive Learning Experience

A physician-developed experiential learning elective illustrates the value and necessity for strong collaboration among clinicians and IT professionals

Abstract blue virtual technology concept futuristic digital perspective background

Expanding Network Connectivity Brings New Possibilities to Cleveland Clinic Mentor Hospital

Enhanced digital connectivity at Cleveland Clinic’s newest facility unlocks the potential for more personalized, interactive patient care

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Quantum Computing Debuts at Cleveland Clinic

Discovery Accelerator Partnership with IBM Deploys Advanced Computing Technologies to Supercharge Healthcare Research

Pregnant couple

Thoughtful Digital Design Connects Care Between Visits

Cleveland Clinic clinicians partner with these technical experts to design digitals tools that provide interactive, personalized care at the patient’s convenience

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