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Case Study


Prenatal Diagnosis of Dilated Cardiomyopathy: A Case Study in Strategizing Management

Nimble multidisciplinary planning paves a path to infant’s heart transplant


A Pediatric Case of Plastic Bronchitis Resolved With Right Heart Overhaul

11-year-old with two ventricles and history of D-TGA, VSD and coarctation of the aorta

December 26, 2019/Genomic Medicine

Case Study in Loeys-Dietz Syndrome: Multiple Problems Promptly Addressed in a Single Operation

12-year-old will likely avoid some future surgeries thanks to multidisciplinary expertise


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giant platelets
December 11, 2019/Cancer

An Improbable Aortic Surgery in the Setting of Giant Platelet Disorder

Multidisciplinary collaboration enables first such operation in a patient with MYH9 mutation


Case Study: Pulmonary Thromboendarterectomy Can Cure Even the Most Severe CTEPH Cases

Greater recognition is needed that most patients stand to benefit


Data Best Practices Can Pack an Outcomes Punch Even for Lower-Volume Centers

How an allied program achieved a three-star CABG rating with less than 200 cases a year


Salvage VT Ablation with Impella 5.0 Support: Case-Based Insights

Novel approach allows activation mapping, VT ablation despite cardiogenic shock

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