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Meet the New Head of Pediatric Endocrinology at Cleveland Clinic Children’s

Introducing Roy Kim, MD, MPH

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Roy Kim, MD, MPH


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“Most of what we encounter in pediatric endocrinology has an effective treatment. The goal is to help kids get their needed treatment within the context of other challenges in their lives.”

So says Roy Kim, MD, MPH, the new Head of Pediatric Endocrinology at Cleveland Clinic Children’s. In this profile, learn more about Dr. Kim and the value he brings as he returns to Cleveland.

At a glance

Specialty interests: Obesity and type 2 diabetes

Background in brief: Most recently served as Director of the Center for Obesity and Its Consequences in Health (COACH Clinic) at Children’s Medical Center in Dallas. Formerly a pediatric endocrinology specialist at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. Medical degree (1997) and Master of Public Health (2000) from University of North Carolina (Chapel Hill). Residency in internal medicine/pediatrics at Cleveland Clinic (2002). Fellowship in pediatric endocrinology at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (2005).


Research interests: How dietary choices affect the risk of metabolic problems in obese children. Also serves as principal investigator for “A Study of the Laparoscopically-placed Adjustable Gastric Band for the Management of Obesity in Adolescent Patients.”

In his own words

Why pediatric endocrinology: “I was drawn to the continuity we have with patients and how trust and open communication with families are important for them to be successful in managing their conditions. I am also fascinated by the range of clinical problems that pediatric endocrinologists encounter, from developmental issues in newborns, to departures from normal growth and development in older children, and the challenges of chronic illness among adolescents.”

About directing the COACH Clinic: “I oversaw the largest pediatric obesity clinic in North Texas. We saw thousands of children with obesity and its related comorbidities, including sleep apnea, type 2 diabetes and dyslipidemia. It was a rewarding challenge to help children get the services they most needed, whether nutrition counseling, an exercise program, further medical treatment or, in extreme cases, weight loss surgery.”

Plans for Cleveland Clinic Children’s: “One priority is to enable our entire team to have a voice and to use their expertise to help patients effectively and efficiently. I want to help patients and families have a great experience in our clinics and enjoy the best health possible. Another major goal is to continue to build relationships with community providers to make our expertise accessible and timely.”

What pediatricians should know: “In recent years, exciting new treatments have been developed for childhood endocrine conditions such as diabetes, growth problems and obesity. However, the central importance of the general pediatrician — to provide anticipatory guidance, promote a healthy lifestyle, identify problems and coordinate care — remains unchanged. Prevention and early detection will continue to be the foundation of effectively managing many childhood endocrine disorders.”


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