One Plastic Surgeon’s Inspiration: Combining Fine Art and Medicine

A Q&A with Bryan Michelow, MD


Bryan Michelow, MD, grew up in a home with art and medicine. His mother, Berenice, was an international fine artist. While his father, Cecil, was an Ob/Gyn.


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In his work today, Dr. Michelow takes pleasure in being able to honor both parents.

“Like fine art, plastic surgery requires an aesthetic sense,” he explains, “which when combined with surgical precision, will provide optimal outcomes.”

Consult QD sat down with Dr. Michelow to find out more about his inspiration and practice:

Three words that describe you?
Dedicated (to my patients). Creative. Honest.

Share a time-saving technology tip?
When in a patient’s chart in Epic, I open “sticky notes” and place any important reminders or details of interest in the note. It automatically opens each time the chart is entered and provides a quick review of important details.

How do you build meaningful relationships with patients?
With each patient encounter, be it a cosmetic patient or a reconstructive surgery patient, I try to achieve three things: put the patient at ease, actively listen to the patient’s words, provide easily understandable solutions that have the patient’s safety and well-being at heart.

A combination of friendly respect, honesty and making the patient’s safety my priority, allows me to develop a meaningful and mutually rewarding relationship with my patients. This is a win-win for both the patient and me.

Have patients given you any memorable gifts?
When procedures are completed and the patient has healed, the smile on my patients’ faces and a simple thank you are my greatest reward. In the winter, snowboarding is our choice.

How do you decompress from work?
I enjoy going fishing with my two teenage sons in the summer. We have an agreement that the fish we catch are returned to the lake before we depart for home.

In the winter, snowboarding is our choice.


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