Lung Transplant

June 2, 2020/COVID-19

Caring for Lung Transplant Patients During COVID-19

Complexities at every level of the transplant process reinforce the importance of following recommendations.

January 9, 2020/Pulmonary/Lung Transplant

For Lung Transplant Patients, a Broader Definition of Risk Does Not Lead to Worse Outcomes

Understanding risk, stigma and how to utilize non-SRD organs

lung transplant

Improving Access to Transplant for the Sickest Cystic Fibrosis and COPD Patients

Changes to criteria would bring some patients closer to receiving a lung transplant

April 17, 2019/Pulmonary/Lung Transplant

Record Number of Lung Transplants Performed in the U.S. in 2017

Annual data report analyzes the latest trends in lung transplantation


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March 28, 2019/Pulmonary/Lung Transplant

Improving Outcomes for Lung Transplant Candidates with Cystic Fibrosis

Virtual visits and standardized multisite communication

March 18, 2019/Cancer

Identifying Lung Cancer Risk Factors in Lung Transplant Recipients

Registry linkage study reports on incidence, risk factors and survival

November 29, 2018/Pulmonary/Lung Transplant

Airway Complications After Lung Transplantation

Taking steps toward standardizing prevention and management

January 17, 2018/Pulmonary/Lung Transplant

Lung Transplantation in High-Risk Patients

Older recipients, multi-organ transplant and coronary artery disease

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