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Search Results for: covid 19

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April 1, 2021/Neurosciences/Education

Health Disparities 2021: How to Help Close Racial and Ethnic Gaps in Care Delivery

COVID-19’s disproportionate impacts across the United States have elevated racial and ethnic health disparities within the national consciousness like nothing else in recent years. Now healthcare professionals who want to be part of …

Meredith Foxx

Pandemic Shined a Light on Four Leadership Rules (Podcast)

The COVID-19 pandemic and its pressures helped Meredith Foxx, APRN, MSN, MBA, Cleveland Clinic’s Executive Chief Nursing Officer, hone her notion of strong leadership to include four simple rules.In an interview with …

November 16, 2022/Behavioral Health/Podcasts

Managing Increased Demand for Adolescent Psychiatric Services (Podcast)

The COVID-19 pandemic put unprecedented strains on adolescents, with rates of behavioral disturbances, mood and anxiety disorders, suicide attempts, suicidal thinking and eating disorders all skyrocketing.“Every year since 2008 we have seen an …

SARS-CoV-2 molecule and double helix
April 26, 2021/COVID-19

Variants of SARS-CoV-2 and Their Association With Disease Severity

The COVID-19 pandemic caught us all off guard. But since the emergence of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, Cleveland Clinic epidemiologists have been investigating the evolution of the virus in …


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November 18, 2020/Neurosciences/Podcast

Virtual Neurological Care: From Telestroke to Today (Podcast)

The COVID-19 pandemic has fueled not only a surge in virtual outpatient visits, but also an increase in telemedicine for subspecialty neurological care. Consider the experience of Cleveland Clinic, which started a telestroke program …

Physician leaders

Research Guides Programs to Build Stronger Leaders

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, the steep challenges of running a successful healthcare organization have only become more acute. Increased pressures in finance, supply chain and employee hiring and retention affect every aspect of running …


How to Really Go on Vacation

As the COVID-19 pandemic enters a less frantic phase, nurses might be turning their thoughts to taking a well-deserved vacation. Never has it been more important to unplug and relax.“We all need …

September 1, 2021/Nursing/Patient Experience

Caring for Patients in the Comfort of Home

When the COVID-19 pandemic began in 2020, Cleveland Clinic ramped up many of its at-home services. Two recent experiences highlight the ability of nurses to be part of teams that provide patients with …

Marymount Hospital
July 21, 2021/Nursing/Quality

Marymount Hospital: A Model of Nursing Excellence

… Emergency Department converted its waiting area to a negative pressure space called “the box” to care for COVID-positive patients and individuals under investigation. It kept COVID-19 patients away from others requiring emergency services …

Diversity in nursing

A Diverse Nursing Workforce for a Diverse Community

During the COVID-19 pandemic, nurses demonstrated resilience and strength. This challenging time has also highlighted health disparities in our communities. To combat this, the nursing profession must further develop a diverse workforce that is …

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