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Search Results for: covid 19

October 30, 2020/Urology & Nephrology/Urology

Training the Next Generation of Urologists and Nephrologists

“Interview season” within residency and fellowship programs was a little different this year as program directors moved applicant interviews into virtual spaces amid the COVID-19 pandemic. These challenges aside, Cleveland Clinic’s urology …

South Pointe Relaxation Room
April 13, 2022/Nursing/Wellness

Creating a Space to Unwind, Renew, Refresh

In late 2021, Cleveland Clinic South Pointe Hospital opened the first of five wellness and relaxation rooms for caregivers who have worked tirelessly throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.“It’s been a difficult two years …

Nursing colleagues elbow bump
May 10, 2021/Leadership

Eight Things To Be Grateful for in Nursing

By Meredith Foxx, MSN, MBA, APRN, NEA-BC, Executive Chief NursingThe past year has been challenging, but in many ways nurses have emerged from the COVID-19 pandemic stronger and better prepared for anything the …

Remote work strategies

Implementing a Long-Term Remote Work Strategy

By Chad Minor, MBA, FACHE, Chief of Workforce Strategies and Associate Chief Caregiver OfficerBefore the pandemic, remote work environments in healthcare were few and far between. COVID-19 forced everyone to work differently, and now …


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June 4, 2021/COVID-19

When Dedicated Caregiving Produces Serendipitous Benefits

When neurologist Robert Wilson, DO, Director of Cleveland Clinic’s Autonomic Lab, had to stop his in-person shared medical appointments (SMAs) in early 2020 because of the COVID-19 pandemic, he searched for other …

April 29, 2020/COVID-19

Considerations for Multiplex Ventilation: What Clinicians Need to Know (Video)

Multiplex ventilation (MpV) is the practice of ventilating more than one patient at a time with a single ventilator. Understanding this technique is especially germane during the COVID-19 pandemic, which has created a greater …

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April 7, 2023/Orthopaedics/Hip & Knee

Case Study: Anterior Approach Ideal for Replacing Auto-Fused Hip

After ignoring the pain in his hip for several years, a 68-year-old man decided to pursue total hip arthroplasty (THA). Unfortunately, his decision coincided with the COVID-19 pandemic, and he was forced …

June 1, 2020/Cancer/News & Insight

A Pandemic of Cancer Cases?

A sharp upswing in cancer diagnoses, harder-to-treat advanced cancers, and cancer deaths may be among the many unexpected consequences of the coronavirus pandemic.Facing an onslaught of COVID-19 patients, hospitals have been …

August 11, 2020/COVID-19

A Clinician’s Guide to a Conversation With an Anti-Masker

… learning about the virus.Keep in mind, we didn’t have the benefit of learning about COVID-19 in medical school or residency, or in our own clinical practice. Nobody has ever managed a COVID

virtual onboarding

Offering a Robust Virtual Employee Orientation

… recently hired employees in North America, from administrators and executive leaders to physicians and nurses. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit in March 2020, delivery of those sessions needed to pivot.“We had about 48 …

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