Tag: guidelines

Woman in hospital bed

New Guidelines Provide Further Guidance for PONV Management

Fourth iteration of the guidelines focuses on high-risk patient identification and evidence on newer drugs

January 29, 2018/Geriatrics

AAN Guideline Update on Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Co-Author Shares Takeaways

Insights on first-ever exercise endorsement and more


New Guidelines for Lower Pain Back Stress Non-Drug Remedies First

Integrative & Lifestyle Medicine expert agrees


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New PAD Guidelines Stress Comprehensive Care, Endorse Structured Exercise

AHA/ACC recommendations address broader spectrum of PAD care

August 10, 2016/Digestive/News

New Clinical Guidelines Make Bariatric Surgery Accessible to Mildly Obese Diabetics

Randomized control trials support surgery’s role in managing blood sugar

New Guidelines: Heart Screening Tests Unnecessary for Low-Risk Patients

New Guidelines: Heart Screening Tests Unnecessary for Low-Risk Patients

Research shows no evidence of benefit says American College of Physicians


New U.S. Guidelines Likely Will Drop Restrictions on Dietary Cholesterol

Research clearly shows that other factors impact most patients’ cholesterol levels


At Last There’s Guidance on Multimodality Imaging in Pericardial Disease and Cardio-Oncology

New consensus statements shine light on imaging in overlooked subspecialty areas

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