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21-MED-2072113 COVID-vaccine-disparities_650x450
March 31, 2021/COVID-19

Racial Disparities in COVID-19 Vaccination: Is It Vaccine Hesitancy or Vaccine Deliberation?

Cutting through the noise with trusted community partners

February 12, 2021/Geriatrics

From the Patient in Front of You to a 2,000-Patient Panel

How primary care practice has changed in the last decade

May 14, 2020/COVID-19

Innovative Home-Based Care Model Keeps High-Risk Patients Out of the Hospital

Multispecialty teams address patients’ needs to prevent health crises.

Nurse taking a meal break
March 19, 2020/COVID-19

Caregivers, Don’t Forget to Care for Yourselves

Infectious disease outbreaks can place considerable stress on caregivers


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How to Respond to Flu Vaccine Doubters

12 reasons people give for not wanting the influenza vaccine


Running in Place

The uncertain future of primary care internal medicine

November 7, 2019/Primary Care/News & Insights

Aspirin: Still Learning After 4,000 Years

Its origins, uses and limitations

Elderly patient receiving shot
January 31, 2019/Geriatrics

Geriatric Immunization Study Highlights Need to Promote Vaccination Culture

Toolkit highlights best practices for explaining benefits versus risks

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