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Tag: international stroke conference (ISC)

February 25, 2020/Neurosciences/News & Insights

International Stroke Conference 2020: 5 Key Developments That Will Shape the Field

From B-PROUD to EXTEND-IA TNK to a novel TMS delivery method

February 15, 2019/Neurosciences/News & Insights

Five Big Takeaways From This Year’s International Stroke Conference

An expert attendee draws conclusions from a range of leading studies


How Do Patient Characteristics Impact Treatment Time in Acute Stroke? (Video)

Study of thrombolysis therapy timing on mobile stroke unit sheds light

January 26, 2018/Neurosciences/Research

Experience Brings Heightened Efficiency to Mobile Stroke Unit, Study Shows (Video)

Door-to-needle time improved by 26 percent from 2014 to 2017


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How Mobile Stroke Units Take Prehospital Evaluation to a New Level (Video)

Study suggests they help bypass hospital transfers for thrombectomy

Streamlined STEMI Protocol Slashes Door-to-Balloon Times
January 25, 2018/Neurosciences/Research

Comprehensive Vs. Primary Stroke Centers: Is There a Quality Difference?

CSCs achieve timelier acute reperfusion therapy, national study finds

January 24, 2018/Neurosciences/Research

Stroke Deaths Plummet as IV Thrombolytic Therapy Surges, Medicare Database Study Finds

One-year stroke mortality rate down by 18 percent over five years

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