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Tag: ischemic stroke

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February 20, 2020/Neurosciences/Research

Mechanical Thrombectomy for ELVO Strokes: Best to Stop at 3 Attempted Passes?

Study shows MRI infarct growth surges thereafter

thrombolysis of a clot in ischemic stroke
January 6, 2020/Neurosciences/Research

Acute Reperfusion Therapies Are Improving Ischemic Stroke Survival, Database Study Shows

Greatest benefits seen with combined thrombolytic and thrombectomy therapies


Acute Stroke Care: How Thinking About Timeliness and Treatment Options Has Evolved (Podcast)

Check out one of the first episodes of our ‘Neuro Pathways’ podcast

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February 6, 2019/Neurosciences/Research

Ischemic Stroke Risk Factors Are on the Rise in Native Americans

Study finds modifiable factors — hypertension and smoking — moving in the wrong direction


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February 4, 2019/Neurosciences/Research

Patient-Reported Outcomes Across Stroke Types: More Commonalities Than Contrasts

Cohort study argues for uniformity in assessment and rehab

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April 13, 2018/Geriatrics

Post-Stroke Health Impacts Merit New Emphases in Stroke Survivor Care

Executive function, social roles and physical function loom large in new study


How Do Patient Characteristics Impact Treatment Time in Acute Stroke? (Video)

Study of thrombolysis therapy timing on mobile stroke unit sheds light


How Mobile Stroke Units Take Prehospital Evaluation to a New Level (Video)

Study suggests they help bypass hospital transfers for thrombectomy

January 24, 2018/Neurosciences/Research

Stroke Deaths Plummet as IV Thrombolytic Therapy Surges, Medicare Database Study Finds

One-year stroke mortality rate down by 18 percent over five years

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