Tag: jihad kaouk

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Concurrent Robotic Partial Nephrectomy and Pyelolithotomy (Video)

Tips and tricks offered in this multipart surgery

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Robotics and the Perineal Approach to Radical Prostatectomy (Video)

While the retropubic approach is popular, is the perineal approach equally effective and less invasive?


Ice Cooling the Kidney Intracorporeally During Robotic Partial Nephrectomy (Video)

Expands surgical window and indications for robotic procedures


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May 14, 2017/Cancer

Off-Clamp Versus On-Clamp Approaches to Partial Nephrectomy

Which results in better outcomes?

January 25, 2017/Urology & Nephrology/Urology

Icing During Robotic Partial Nephrectomy for Complex Tumors Mirrors the Open Technique

Pinpoint control, high magnification and minimal invasiveness

September 14, 2015/Cancer

A New Minimally Invasive Option for Localized Prostate Cancer?

Robotic radical perineal prostatectomy has potential advantages

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Exploring 3-D Printing’s Potential in Renal Surgery

Training, surgical planning are possible uses

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