Tag: juan calle

GUKI Care Page of Dr. George Thomas and Angela Smith

Resistant Hypertension: A Stepwise Approach

Getting patients to their goal blood pressure

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March 6, 2019/Uncategorized

Predicting Kidney Stone Risk with 12-Hour Overnight Urine Collection: Are We There Yet?

Assessments of the shorter collection routine are encouraging, but not yet definitive

650×450 Noncontrast CT Scans for Kidney Stones
February 16, 2018/Urology & Nephrology/Research

Noncontrast CT Scans for Kidney Stones Now Mined for More

Using “opportunistic imaging” to identify significant comorbidities such as cardiovascular risk and bone health


When and Why to Refer Kidney Stone Patients to a Specialist

Recurrence warrants nephrology or urology specialist


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New Clinic Focuses on Glomerular Diseases

A multidisciplinary approach to an uncommon condition

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