Tag: mental health

20-NEU-1955237 Dr. Falcone on CDC suicide statistics_CQD_650x450_1019814084
September 21, 2020/Behavioral Health

Mental Health in the Era of COVID-19: Observations From a Frontline Provider

A child/adolescent psychiatrist sees CDC survey data play out among real families

May 5, 2020/Behavioral Health

COVID-19’s Challenges Can Ultimately Make Behavioral Health Offerings Stronger

Lessons in meeting unique provider needs and deepening virtual connections

April 3, 2020/COVID-19

How to Help Healthcare Providers Cope with COVID-19’s Psychological Toll

Insights from a clinical psychologist for caregivers on the front lines and beyond


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July 9, 2018/Nursing/Research

Delirium Often Not Identified in Postsurgical Cardiac Patients

Separate studies find a need to pay more attention to delirium

November 3, 2016/Neurosciences/Research

Routine Screening for Suicidal Behavior in Youth with Epilepsy

Real-world data suggest it saves lives

March 28, 2016/Geriatrics

Case Study: How a Distended Bladder Can Alter Mental Status

In cystocerebral syndrome, rapid decompression is the key

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