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Tag: pediatric oncology

Portrait of ECNO Meredith Foxx
August 14, 2024/Nursing/Clinical Nursing

Exploring the Pediatric Oncology Specialty (Podcast)

Nurses find unique challenges, profound rewards when managing children with cancer

Seth Rotz, MD
September 6, 2023/Bioethics

Difficult Disclosures in Pediatric Oncology

Variables affect nuances of the conversation

22-CHP-3188970 CQD-Agarwal-Pavia-Peds Hem-Onc Mobility-650×450
March 10, 2023/Neurosciences

Integrating Rehabilitation Mobility Therapy Services During Active Cancer Therapy

How ‘Let’s Get Moving!’ is improving physical activity in children undergoing cancer treatment


Screening for and Managing Pulmonary Dysfunction in Pediatric Cancer Survivors

Cleveland Clinic experts discuss current guidelines and new research


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September 4, 2020/Cancer

ECMO Provides Lifesaving Support to a Patient With Mediastinal Mass and Respiratory Failure

A complex case establishes the utility of long-term ECMO in oncology

July 22, 2020/Cancer

The Emerging Role of the Microbiome in Pediatric Oncology

Effects of microbiome dysbiosis on pediatric cancer and treatment

May 8, 2015/Cancer

How Data Are Enabling Targeted Therapy for Pediatric Malignancies

Progress lies in networked collection and analysis

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