Tag: telehealth

A woman is working at home using a modem router, connecting the Internet to her laptop.

Lack of Broadband-Quality Internet Undercuts Uptake of Cardiac Rehabilitation

Rates of CR eligibility high and internet access low among older patients in rural areas

August 1, 2023/Behavioral Health

Hybrid CBT-I Model Expands Access to Behavioral Sleep Care for Patients With Insomnia

Combining group telehealth sessions with one-on-one sessions shortens time to follow-up care

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Cleveland Clinic’s Virtual Emergency Medicine Program: Treating the Right Patients in the Right Place

Remotely based physicians use telehealth technology to evaluate lower-acuity patients in the ED, express clinic or during an EMS response

Telemedicine doctors and patients
January 18, 2023/Geriatrics/Research

Virtual Capacity Evaluations May Provide Distinct Safeguards for Geriatric Patients

Analysis underscores how telehealth can help pinpoint elder abuse


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Leveraging Telehealth to Provide Comprehensive Multiple Sclerosis Care

NIH grant supports longitudinal study of clinical, cost and patient/clinician experience outcomes

October 19, 2022/Behavioral Health/Research

Flexible Scheduling May Reduce Clinician Stress but Is No Burnout Panacea, Study Suggests

Burnout found to be more likely in 20- to 39-year-olds versus older colleagues

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Yes, Orthopaedic Surgeons Can Use Telemedicine to Conduct Physical Exams

Team provides step-by-step guidance on evaluating hip, knee, ankle and foot conditions virtually

June 6, 2022/COVID-19

Hybrid Telehealth Model Addresses Unique Needs of Geriatric Patients

Novel program aims to reduce isolation, improve access to care for most vulnerable population

virtual counseling
May 20, 2022/COVID-19

The Pandemic Made Me a Doctor Who Makes House Calls

And it revealed that telehealth benefits patients and providers alike

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