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Tag: teleneurology

Telehealth visit
February 21, 2023/Behavioral Health

First Randomized Trial Launched to Study Teleneuropsychology for Parkinson’s Disease

First-of-kind study is testing feasibility of real-world practice model


Leveraging Telehealth to Provide Comprehensive Multiple Sclerosis Care

NIH grant supports longitudinal study of clinical, cost and patient/clinician experience outcomes

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Case Study: How Inpatient Telemedicine Makes a Difference in Acute Seizure Care

Combined on-site and virtual team swiftly manages a prolonged seizure


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December 18, 2020/Cleveland Clinic Florida

Telemedicine as a Tool for Replicating Quality Across Care Sites

Reimagining patient management conferences and more

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Telemedicine in Neuro ICU Care: Three Applications to Keep an Eye On

From telemedicine-enabled nighttime coverage to a virtual follow-up clinic

November 18, 2020/Neurosciences/Podcast

Virtual Neurological Care: From Telestroke to Today (Podcast)

The latest developments in telemedicine for subspecialty neuro care


It’s Time to Expand Teleneurological Collaboration Beyond Stroke Care

Our Neurological Institute offers telemedicine relationships across multiple subspecialties


The Case for a 2.0 Version of Teleneurological Care

Cloud computing extends the reach of expert opinion informed by high-level data processing

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