Tag: tracheostomy

NICU-G-Tubes and Tracheostomies in Neonates-650×450
June 3, 2022/Pediatrics/Neonatology

G-Tubes and Tracheostomies in Neonates: Trends in Placement and Survival

The Chair of Neonatology discusses findings from large epidemiological study


How Head & Neck Institute Is Reevaluating and Improving Tracheostomy Care

Using a care pathway approach, the Institute has improved care and reduced costs

Coordinated Pediatric Aerodigestive Care

Coordinated Pediatric Aerodigestive Care: A Case Study

Decannulation in a child with chronic lung disease, pulmonary hypertension and respiratory failure


New Endoscopic Suturing Technique Trialed in 2 Patients Requiring Pediatric Airway Repair

Posterior endoscopic graft suturing may reduce costs and risks associated with postoperative intubation or tracheostomy placement in children


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