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Case Study

Pediatric uvular cyst

Case Study: Treating and Managing a Pediatric Uvular Cyst

Prompt surgery was necessary when symptoms drastically increased

Patient scan

Cleveland Clinic Team Achieves Success in Complicated Surgery

Collaborative and multidisciplinary approach necessary for treatment

vestibular testing

Case Study: The Importance of the Vestibular Test Battery Evaluation

When a patient failed to improve, the value of a comprehensive vestibular test was apparent


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Gingival fibroma

Mass Under the Lip

Case highlights the importance of oral hygiene in hospital and outpatient settings

Nasal examination

Case Studies: The Challenges of Nasal Reconstruction

Two cases — both tremendously different in their level of complexity — illustrate the core principles of nasal reconstruction

March 3, 2023/Neurosciences

Case Study: Pre-Adolescent Male With Aggressive Juvenile Angiofibroma

Collaboration critical to a successful resection

Woodson facial nerve tumor
November 19, 2021/Neurosciences

Novel Approach to a Facial Nerve Tumor

A skull-base surgeon explains why it’s important to consider your options before pursuing the most aggressive route

Before and after images of patient with trivector trasoral trasfacial OTTT.

Cleveland Clinic Facial Reanimation Surgeons Perform Tri-Vector Reanimation in Pediatric Patient

A team of surgeons helped give a 9-year-old patient with congenital facial paralysis the ability to smile

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