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Microangiopathic Hemolytic Anemia in a Patient With Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

Evaluation of a patient presenting with worsening swelling of the lips and legs

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June 23, 2022/Genomic Medicine

Managing Refractory Hypocalcemia in an Asymptomatic Patient During Pregnancy

Renal genetic testing confirms diagnosis, guides management


Extraosseous Calcification in Kidney Disease: Strategies for Management

Maintaining a neutral calcium balance, correcting hyperphosphatemia and controlling comorbidities

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Extraosseous Calcification in Kidney Disease: Pathogenesis, Presentation and Diagnosis

A review of vascular calcification, soft tissue calcification and calciphylaxis


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Masked Medical Appointment
March 21, 2022/Transplant

Pilot Study to Create Automated Referral Process for Kidney Transplants

The process could improve access and equity for patients with end-stage kidney disease

Human Kidney

A New Era of Management for Diabetic Kidney Disease

The data behind new therapeutic agents and what’s next for improving patient care

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December 27, 2021/Primary Care

1-Minute Consult: Can a PICC Be Placed in a Patient With Chronic Kidney Disease?

Physicians discuss a specific case example, and PICC pros, cons and alternatives

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Task Force Promotes Use of a Race-Free Tool to Assess Kidney Function

A panel of experts studied 26 equations and recommends the eGFR 2021 CKD-EPI creatinine equation

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Tunneled Hemodialysis Catheters for Acute Kidney Injury in the Medical ICU

The team reports their early experience and what's ahead


Research Grants Aim To Improve and Personalize Kidney Care

Two NIH-funded multicenter research efforts are addressing unmet clinical needs

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