Tag: obesity

November 25, 2020/COVID-19

Prior Bariatric Surgery Lessens the Severity of SARS-CoV-2 Infection

Decreases risk of hospital and ICU admission in COVID-19 patients with obesity

Healthy diet

Reducing Patients’ Chronic Pain Through Weight Loss

It is a lifestyle commitment that can minimize pain and improve lives

Aminian, Ali
September 4, 2020/Digestive

Meet Bariatric and Metabolic Institute Director Ali Aminian, MD

Leader plans to collaborate with other medical disciplines for the benefits of patients with obesity.

COVID Obesity
August 26, 2020/COVID-19

Obesity as a Major Risk Factor for COVID-19

Mitigating the risk requires physicians to take an active role in the care of patients with obesity


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April 24, 2020/Digestive

Perioperative Pain Perception and Analgesic Requirements in Pediatric Patients with Obesity

Study finds no significant association between BMI and pain following most noncardiac procedures

April 22, 2020/COVID-19

Endocrinologists Convert to Telemedicine Virtually Overnight During COVID-19 Pandemic

Diabetes and obesity are well suited to remote management through virtual visits


Overcoming Internalized Weight Bias

New SMA intervention focuses on progress, not perfection


Patients Lose More Weight in Shared Medical Appointments

Study compares shared medical appointments with the standard of care for obesity

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