Case Study

February 14, 2020/Neurosciences/Case Study

Intracerebral Hemorrhage Removal with Endoscopic Side-Cutting Aspiration

First reported case expands use of minimally invasive techniques

November 21, 2019/Neurosciences/Case Study

Challenges of Epilepsy Surgery in an Infant with a Hemispheric Syndrome: Case Study

Much is possible when treating epilepsy in the developing brain

September 4, 2019/Neurosciences/Case Study

A 69-Year-Old Woman with Double Vision and Lower-Extremity Weakness

Case study in differential diagnosis of multifocal neurologic symptoms


Is Neuroimaging Necessary to Evaluate Syncope?

A case lesson in how best to supplement the history and examination in this setting


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Case Study: When Functional Disorder Meets Organic Disorder

Woman with myoclonic-like movements benefits from interdisciplinary therapy

January 21, 2019/Leadership

How We Raised Our Neuro OR Capacity with Process Changes Anyone Can Adopt

Cultural changes, visual schedule boards and huddles drive ongoing improvement

September 28, 2018/Neurosciences/Case Study

Multimodality Evaluation Enables Epilepsy Control in a Patient with Periventricular Nodular Heterotopias

Resulting localization of a single focus paves way for laser ablation

September 19, 2018/Neurosciences/Case Study

Combined Surgical-Endovascular Treatment of an Intracranial Aneurysm in a Patient with ACTA2 Mutation

Direct surgical carotid cutdown overcomes multiple access obstacles

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